Why (Crazy) Elimination Diets Piss Me Off

Find out what is it that bothers me about highly restrictive or elimination diets.
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More of My Thoughts on The "Non-Diet Diets"

Today I am posting another article, my thoughts on it and the “non-diet diet” article from the other day, as well.

Let's Talk about the "non-diet diet"

Today I would like to focus on an article I read about the “non-diet diet” approach to eating. I chose this article because I could have written it…if I were a nutritionist ;).

Check Your Source...If it SOUNDS too good to be true, it generally is.

I started to follow a bunch of "health and fitness" pages on Facebook earlier this year. It's fun to see what others are doing, what the trends are, what the BS is, maybe learn a few things...the gamut.


Can I Eat CARBS?? I talk to women all the time about their diets…what ARE they eating, what SHOULD they be eating…in what proportion.  I read this article the other day on cnn.com - http://cnn.it/2hMiTph about “cravings for carbs”. While…

Sugar vs. Artificial Sweeteners

Are artificial sweeteners good for you as you try to eat healthy and/or lose weight? I have read a lot about artificial sweeteners over the last few years, while I remain NOT a nutritionist, I am comfortable sharing what I know and ENCOURAGING…

How Much Water Do We Really Need?

Yesterday I had a question on my Facebook page about the “eight, 8-ounce glasses” of water I am challenging you to drink during H2OMe. I was really excited to get the question…I WANT you all to be involved with what I write about. The…

H2OMe - FREE Challenge to Drink EIGHT 8-oz Glasses of Water Every Day for 10 Days

Win a PRIZE for DRINKING WATER! We BEGIN FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st! H2OMe begins on Friday, September 1st on FACEBOOK (not Instagram as originally mentioned). I decided to run this challenge as a SIMPLE way to START TO FEEL BETTER. BEGINNING…
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Why You Shouldn't Say, "Screw THIS chick" to me...

Truth time: I have never had a weight problem. I've been pregnant twice. I fit in my jeans the first time after six weeks. Before you say, "Screw this chick!" - - keep reading. Despite my lack of “I was where you are, follow me”,…

Graze.com - - The Devil is in the Details! READ your LABELS!

Quick disclaimer…I am not covering this topic to criticize Graze.com specifically or generally. I am writing to EDUCATE about their products and similar products. I fully expect to hear from them, so I want to get that out there: EDUCATION…