…just do the work.

I have recently ‘recovered’ (meaning it still hurts a little 😬) from an injury that kept me sidelined from running for about 6 weeks.

On my first trip out after those six weeks I was once again AMAZED at how I felt AFTER – both immediately and for the next few hours, as well.  My head was clear. My body felt lighter, not PHYSICALLY lighter, that’s not the way it works 🙄, but emotionally lighter. I had more energy, I was motivated to do things that sometimes I found challenging to get done, in a better mood overall.

The AMAZING part is that after allllll these years of exercising, I can STILL forget how good it feels.

Your body is meant to move.  It wants to move and needs to move to be at its best.  Running’s not your thing? 

Do the thing that is your thing.

So I get that you might not want to work with me. Don’t worry. I have other clients coming my way.

Trust me. Do the work with someone else. Or on your own.  Just do the work. Your mind and body will thank you endlessly.

PS…If you DO want some help, I have online classes, in-person sessions and 1-on-1 Zoom sessions.  Let’s chat.